Motivational Barriers

In books, motivation appears to be a straightforward managerial function, but in reality it can be more difficult. The following are some motivational factors for tough jobs:



1- The motivation of employees becomes difficult, particularly when firms significantly alter the employment roles of the employees, reduce the levels of hierarchy, or fire a major portion of the workforce in the name of downsizing or right-sizing. Some businesses have stopped trying to motivate employees by choosing to hire and dismiss employees and pay for performance strategies. These techniques fall short in getting someone to go beyond their comfort zone.




2- The demanding nature of needs makes it difficult for a manager to inspire his staff. This is due to the fact that an employee has different wants and expectations at different times. Additionally, these demands and expectations are always shifting and may collide. For instance-the employees who spend extra time at work for meeting their needs for accomplishment might discover that the extra time spent by them clash with their social neds and with the need for affiliation.


3- Employees’ motivations are hidden and can only be inferred. Consider a situation where two team members, who are the same age, have the same educational background and work experience, but perform differently. The reason for this is because different employees may respond differently to motivational factors.




4- Due to the evolving workforce, one of the primary motivators is a hard job. The employees join the company with a range of requirements and expectations. Different personnel have various backgrounds, perspectives, attitudes, and ideologies. However, none of the firms are aware of the diversity in their workforce and, as a result, are unsure of the many strategies for inspiring their varied staff.




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